HR as Policy Violence (Round 2)

BI-WEEKLY May 2 - Dec 19, 2024 with NO CLASSES in JULY
Thursday evenings 4-6pm PT | 5 - 7pm MT | 6 - 8pm CT | 7-9pm ET

Shoreline Consulting is pleased to announce that we will be offering another round of: HR as Policy Violence! The first course is actively started and we received lots of interest in this class with a request that we offer it again over a more spacious schedule.

Explore the impact of 'policy violence' in workplaces and learn to uphold humanity and core values in HR practices, even when options seem limited

The term "policy violence" is not a widely recognized or standard term in the field of human resources or related disciplines. Certain policies or practices within organizations, agencies, workplaces and more can have negative effects on humanity, leading to harm or injustice.  This course will discuss how to both recognize the constraints within the Human Resources sector and discuss ways to remain intact and center humanity and apply core values when it feels like there are no other options. 

This course is open anyone willing to:

  • To make new and/or deeper connections with other participants

  • To step into unfamiliar growth spaces

  • To practice new ways of being that interrupts the multiple -isms that are present in workspaces

If you have been working as a change agent in your environment and are in need of an experience that dives deeper into the accumulated wisdom of your journey towards an emerging future, this class is for you.  If you are an HR professional and you see or are open to seeing the limitations of typical practices, this class is also for you. The course consists of readings, reflective assignments, paired conversations with fellow classmates, guest presentations, one on one coaching sessions with course facilitators and twelve 2 hour virtual sessions over a sixteen week period.  This course will likely offer a deeper dive than participants may have experienced in any past courses because it invites analytical practices and personal awareness and reflection on all the content.  


shadiin garcia

Shadiin Garcia is Chicana and Laguna Pueblo and has worked for over 20 years as a teacher, as a public school administrator, researcher, a policy analyst, Indigenous education leader, and as a consultant. She has a Bachelor's Degree from Yale University in English with a specialization in education; a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership and a PhD in Critical and Sociocultural Studies in Education from the University of Oregon. Shadiin has a huge extended family including college and elementary aged children, 59 first cousins, and 29 aunts and uncles.

Shadiin's work centers on organizational change; culturally relevant and sustaining curriculum; diversity, equity, and belonging; educational and systemic equity; culturally appropriate research; and community driven systemic change. She served as the Deputy Director of Policy and Research at Oregon’s Chief Education Office where she helped develop a research agenda driven by culturally appropriate practices and Indigenous methodologies for improving key educational outcomes. She served as the Director of Educator Advancement Council leading initiatives to diversify the educator workforce and improve teacher educator systems. With funding from Meyer Memorial Trust, she launched Oregon's statewide American Indian/Alaska Native Educational Professional Learning Community. Most recently she served as an Executive Vice President at Metropolitan Group leading their Organizational Strategy and Innovation Practice.

Through her work both professionally and personally, she has cultivated a network of amazing people who navigate across multiple systems and spaces public, private, sovereign nations/tribes, non-profit, government, P-20, higher education and more. She often collaborates within these networks of experts, thinkers, and advocates which bring multiple minds and approaches to bear on complex topics.  


Moving into a more emergent and powerful future calls for courage, spirit, practice, and commitment. Scott is an eager student, playfully intense, and drawn to the intersections of spirit, justice, and governance. 

Scott has recently returned to consulting after spending four and a half years launching and leading the Office of Education Innovation and Improvement at the Oregon Department of Education. He is an accomplished leader, facilitator, organizer, and strategist with a knack for operationalizing big ideas. He has a strong understanding and skillset to support the kinds of teams, culture, strategies, and communities needed to attend to the promises and dreams of young people, families, educators, legislators, and community partners. He’s spent two decades organizing, writing, speaking, and learning about what it takes to foster equity for students and rewire public education systems. 

Meeting the present from a big future horizon now has Scott’s focus. This includes cultivating leaders of all ages who are ready to step into sacred stewardship for land, water, people and place. 

Scott doesn’t work alone. Teams of teams is where the action is. No one is alone. Deep change doesn’t take everyone, but it starts with purpose and a crew. He’s been blessed by amazing teammates and colleagues who continue to bring energy, clarity, and wisdom to the world.

Once upon a time, Scott taught middle-school English. He has a Master’s degree in Social Work from Arizona State University, and has led five start-up projects of very different scales.


when is the course?

Course Timeline: May 2 - December 19, 2024 (WITH NO CLASSES IN JULY)

Thursday evenings 4-6pm PT | 5 - 7pm MT | 6 - 8pm CT | 7-9pm ET


Fill out the application form below by Tuesday, April 2nd. We will confirm participation and course payment by Wednesday, April 9th.


The course has a sliding scale from $750 to $2000. In order to make this course as accessible as possible, we encourage you to pay a fee that is in line with what you are able.

Option one: Full amount of $2000 plus any additional that can fund another student

Option two: Sliding scale of $750 to $2000

Option three: Request a scholarship

In order to make this course as accessible as possible, we encourage you to pay a fee that is in line with what you are able. We do not want financial barriers to prevent anyone from participating and at the same time we ask those of you who can afford the full cost to please do so. If your place of work might be willing to pay for this course from professional development funds, reach out to us and we can provide you with any information they may require. Workplaces are encouraged to pay the full course fee.

Review our payment policy.

If you have any questions about the course or application process please reach out to us using the contact form.


Click below to open the application form.

After submitting the form in step one, please wait for a formal selection email from the team in order to pay. We will confirm participation and course payment by Wednesday, April 9th.

shore in iceland